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Meet our Artists - Cathy Griner

Cathy's wine glass cozies

I am a young retiree and am fortunate that I can now spend my days doing things that one with an artist’s heart only dreams about while at their day job.

I come from what I consider to be a long line of crafters and artists and have been creating for as long as I can remember. My family has always encouraged me which has allowed me to explore new mediums. They are patient with my crazy ideas and “collecting” of craft supplies. Over the years my interests have changed, and they still do, on a consistent basis. I love working with yarn and items from nature. I really enjoy upcycling discarded items into something useful and fun. I enjoy the process and challenge of bringing thoughts and visions to life.

Apple coasters - perfect teacher gift!

I was born in Raleigh and have lived in Wake County all my life. The venues and variety of events in our area are always fun. I enjoy the growing craft beer scene the most. During my downtime I love spending time with my family, being outdoors, visiting breweries and enjoying the NC coast.

I have a very small craft business I named Incidental Baggage. I chose this name for several reasons but mainly because it seems to sum up my crafting life. Incidental baggage is a term that typically refers to small packages that travelers pick up along their journeys or just by chance. It seems my interests and the items I make are just that - thoughts, ideas, and small treasures that I find along life's journey and create merely by chance.

Apron with pocket - in Cathy's Etsy store

My work is based on what I have, what I like, and thoughts that have to be created. I want people to see fun and heart in my work and to think about things in a more positive light. The ultimate goal is just to make folks smile.

Some of my items are currently available in 3 retail locations and my Etsy shop. I offer a unique mix of items, some just for fun and others that are hopefully useful.

You can also see Cathy's work on her Incidental Baggage Facebook page.

Welcome to the flamingo team, Cathy, we are so happy to have you!

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